Storage Room Movie Boom
Storage Room Movie Boom
Woof, get ready for a real doozy. This week, the sibs tackle a film from Duncan Jones (David Bowie's son!): 2016’s 'Warcraft.' Sure, it aesthetically looks like the video game. Sure, the human characters aren't remotely as interesting as the CG Orcs. And sure, the editing causes whiplash. All those reasons (and many more unlisted) make this a perfect entry into the fated film category of Video Game Adaptations. Aside from an uncredited cameo by one stellar actor, it's worth skipping. Instead, listen to the Robards chat about it! In the second and final segment of the show, Eden blind pitches three video game adaptation movies for episode 42.
Hosts: Eden Robards, Sam Robards
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Email: storageroompod@gmail.com