Storage Room Movie Boom
We are two adult siblings who discuss movies from our parents' basement. You know, like grown-ups do.
Storage Room Movie Boom
Judge Dredd
Season 1
Episode 44
I AM THE LAW! And frankly, this movie should be illegal. The sibs are back this week with a look at another odd comic book adaptation: 1995's 'Judge Dredd.' Schlock and spandex and not-so-sly Sly one-liners make this an unfortunate flop. But the sibs have found a few glimpses of a silver lining: Eden loves the costuming, and Sam loves Diane Lane. Check in for some truly hilariously bad Sly impressions, people. In the second and final segment of the show, Eden pitches three fashionable follies for episode 45.
Hosts: Eden Robards, Sam Robards
Instagram: storageroommovieboom
Twitter: storageroompod
Email: storageroompod@gmail.com