Storage Room Movie Boom
Storage Room Movie Boom
The Devil Wears Prada
All hail the Ice Queen herself, Miranda Priestly. Eden and Sam take a pleasant but surprisingly critical look at a beloved (but flawed) movie from 2006: 'The Devil Wears Prada.' It goes without saying that this picture is packed with talent: Emily Blunt as the charmingly snarky coworker, Stanley "The Tooch" Tucci as the welcome voice of reason, and of course the most impressive all the acting gods, Meryl Streep as the protagonist-turned-mentor. The sibs do take a hard stance on a couple of pervasive issues, but on the whole, it's a damn fun film. In the second and final segment of the show, Sam pitches three directly-linked movies for episode 46.
Hosts: Eden Robards, Sam Robards
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