Storage Room Movie Boom
We are two adult siblings who discuss movies from our parents' basement. You know, like grown-ups do.
Storage Room Movie Boom
Season 1
Episode 21
Do you STILL like scary movies? After this week, definitely not. But the 'Scream' Spin-off Series continues with a long look at the second in the franchise. Ever wondered what happens when a script has to be rewritten quickly? Have a listen and learn, babes. In this episode, the sibs cover a lot of ground: from dead doppelgängers to unimaginative motives, from delightful '90s cameos to dreadful '90s hairstyles. In the second and final segment of the show, Eden blind pitches three episodes of TV with fiery redheads for episode 21.
Hosts: Eden Robards, Sam Robards
Instagram: storageroommovieboom
Twitter: storageroompod
Email: storageroompod@gmail.com