Storage Room Movie Boom
We are two adult siblings who discuss movies from our parents' basement. You know, like grown-ups do.
Storage Room Movie Boom
Van Helsing
Season 1
Episode 23
Ready for a Good-Bad watch? Well, this might not be it. The sibs review the 2004 schlocky accent-fest, 'Van Helsing.' Between the insane scene chewing and the, frankly, offensive costuming, this movie is a real collection of "What the hell is going on here?" moments. There are a few positives: Alan Silvestri's triumphant score and a classic black and white cold open. In the second and final segment of the show, Eden blind pitches three movies with wicked white people for episode 23.
Hosts: Eden Robards, Sam Robards
Instagram: storageroommovieboom
Twitter: storageroompod
Email: storageroompod@gmail.com