Storage Room Movie Boom
We are two adult siblings who discuss movies from our parents' basement. You know, like grown-ups do.
Storage Room Movie Boom
The Invisible Man (2020)
Season 1
Episode 24
Happy Halloween, everyone! We've got a fun one this week (yes, a long one, but fun still) with 2020's 'The Invisible Man.' The sibs don't hate it, but there is some logic to be scrutinized. For example: how and when does this invisible man go to the bathroom? How does this guy not know about his girlfriend's hot cop friend? And, most importantly, does the suit have pockets? Elizabeth Moss absolutely kills it, and the practical effects are charming as hell. In the second and final segment of the show, Sam blind pitches three movies with invisible people for episode 24.
Hosts: Eden Robards, Sam Robards
Instagram: storageroommovieboom
Twitter: storageroompod
Email: storageroompod@gmail.com