Storage Room Movie Boom
We are two adult siblings who discuss movies from our parents' basement. You know, like grown-ups do.
Storage Room Movie Boom
SPIN-OFF SERIES! Jurassic Park
Season 1
Episode 26
Hold on to your butts, because the sibs are throwing it back to a certified Robards Classic this week with their excitable review of 1993's classic, 'Jurassic Park.' Spoiler: if you haven't seen this movie, or don't like this movie, we can't be friends anymore....them's the rules. Tune in for bad readings of all your favorite lines, an exploration into Alan and Ellie's relationship, and determination of why the terribly '90s term 'hacker' has never been so cute. In the second and final segment of the show, Sam blind pitches three dinosaur TV episodes for episode 27.
Hosts: Eden Robards, Sam Robards
Instagram: storageroommovieboom
Twitter: storageroompod
Email: storageroompod@gmail.com