Storage Room Movie Boom
Storage Room Movie Boom
IT HAS FINALLY ARRIVED. The sibs have threatened to review this movie for the past 28 episodes, and here it is... a certified Robards Classic, 1995's 'Congo.' The gleam from this diamond is truly blinding. The accent game is fierce in this schlocky gorilla fever dream: Ernie Hudson's magnificent accent, Tim Curry's ridiculous accent, Laura Linney's faux-Katharine-Hepburn accent. Cheers and honorable mention go to our favorite special effects experts at the Stan Winston Studio (although you can't beat 40 foot dinosaurs). Jeers and dishonorable mention go to the rampant sexual abuse inflicted upon the gorilla Amy, good good Amy. In the second and final segment of the show, Eden blind pitches three highly quotable, accent-laden movies for episode 30.
Hosts: Eden Robards, Sam Robards
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Email: storageroompod@gmail.com